Online Donations:
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Hand in Hand Partnership is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and tax-exempt charitable public organization. All Ministry-specific donations are generally tax-deductible, and are not in exchange for any tangible value to the donor.
Make a Donation Today
Credit Card: all major credit cards are accepted
Other Giving Options
- PayPal-to-PayPal
- Donor-Advised
- Estate-Planning
- Stock-Giving
If Giving By Check
Please make check payable to “Hand in Hand”; and mail to: Hand in Hand Partnership, 1919 Oxmoor Rd., #388, Homewood, AL 35209
How Donations Are Used
100% of all donations are forwarded to the field for maximum impact and effective use. It’s approach is deeply committed to full accountability, consistent transparency, and coming alongside national leaders trained locally for fruitful ministry.